I Have Never Loved You More: Part 3

Ages ago I began a new Monday Series; my I Have Never Loved You More series is a way to celebrate those little moments that make up a life. It’s a way to record the quirks and the every day decisions that make a marriage. And, when we’re old and toothless and celebrating our 75th anniversary, we’ll go back through all the little papers where we’ve written down these moments and read them and laugh and cry and marvel at the beautiful life we created together. It’s a way to memorialize the everyday moments that we never want to ignore or forget.

I have never loved you more…
than these days with 3 babies under 5.

Babies bring with them so much joy. They’re also a lot of work. That’s probably why babies are so sweet—that and the fact that they come straight from Heaven. 🙂 But a lot of work nonetheless. And, to add a newborn to a home with a feisty 2 year old and an adventuresome 4 year old is no small thing. And, just to make things even more exciting, add to it a new business, homeschooling, visitors, and all the other aspects of daily life, and we’re all of a sudden looking at too few hours in the day.

But you. You cook. You clean. You take care of bathtime and bedtime routines. You wash clothes. You work full-time. You make time to snuggle our boy and read to our girls. You love me with all your heart. You serve God and others. And a million other things. We couldn’t do it without you.

And every time you reach over to hold my hand, each library stop on your way home from work, every grocery store run (especially the ones where a piece of cheesecake somehow finds its way into the cart 😉 ), every story you read to the girls (complete with all the voices), and each time you magically get our boy to sleep (along with countless other little things throughout the day) all I can think is

I’ve never loved you more.

Daddy and newborn son snuggling
Little moments in marriage

September 30, 2019

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